Thursday, May 16, 2013

Algae Lab

On Monday me and Courtney Clubb did the algae lab. It was pretty gross and smelled really bad but it was all for science! Anyways, we found many interesting algae organisms. We found a scud which looks like a white shrimp. A Midge larva which is just nasty. Then a water mite, the water was full with them! Then a seed and clam shrimp which looks like a water mite but smaller. A Predaceos Diving Beetle Larva and this kinda looked like an alien. Then we found a Damsel Fly Larva, which also looked like an alien and these things are super fast!! Then for the last organism we found a Paramecium, which is also super fast and really hard to study for too long and even take a picture of. To be honest, I didn't find much that was disgusting, just because I really do love science and studying things. Overall this was a fun lab! OH! and the algae we found was mainly Stigeoclonium, Oscillatoria, and Closterium! Mrs. Ellis checked me and Courtney Clubb's list off and that's when we turned it in. It was really interesting to see up close just what exactly is in the water!

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